Monday, 1 December 2014

It's Christmas time in the city . . .

Hey guys!!
It's Christmas!!

Well we technically still have another 25 days until Christmas day but to me, December 1 is Christmas because that is when I pull out the Christmas Carols :)

I know a lot of people who absolutely hate Christmas Carols. Which I just simply don't understand, partly because they can't give me a good reason.
They're annoying . . . . ?
I absolutely love Christmas. I love gifts. I love the bright lights and the beautiful decorations. I love the cozy feeling. I love chocolate. I love hot chocolate. I love mint chocolate.
And so on.

To be quite frank, I could listen to Christmas carols all year long; and it seems that every year, I switch to a new favorite Christmas carol. Last year it was "Carol of the Bells", the year before that it was "Jingle Bell Rock" and this year it is "Mary Did You Know".
This is because of my favorite band Pentatonix who did a cover of Mary Did you know that I fell in love with.
You can listen to it here:

So what are some of your favorite Christmas carols?
Tell me in the comments below!!

Over & Out,