Thursday, 20 November 2014

The Deadly Case of the Hiccups

Yeah, I'm pretty sure we all hate hiccups. They jolt your body forward (Or backward. I don't know. Normally you go forward . . .) and make this annoying little sound that sounds like a coughing mouse. Not only that but hiccups seem to like interrupting you in everything your do.
I find that it doesn't actually work when you hold your breath. At least not for me.


And on it goes.
Did you know that the longest record someone has every had the hiccups is 68 YEARS?!?!?!
This record was set by the one and only Charles Osbourne. While Charles was preparing to slaughter a 300-pound hog in 1922, the animal collapsed on top of him - and so began his decades of non-stop hiccupping. He had one hiccup every ten seconds for the next 68 years of his life.
Scientist don't actually know what hiccups are. They've kinda just assumed that hiccups are minor stomach upsets. But I'm lactose intolerant. My stomach is always upset and I've never had the hiccups during this time.
Just saying.

It was just a few days ago that I was sitting in class hiccupping and it just happened to be that really bad case of the hiccups. You know, the kind where it really hurts and then on top of it, they make this weird sound that sounds like a coughing mouse. So during class (Yes, I am one of those people who are always off task and distracted) I researched how to get rid of hiccups.
So here are a few tips in case you are ever in dire need to get rid our your hiccups.

1. Breath in and hold your breath for about ten seconds, then breathe out slowly. Repeat three or four times. Then do it again twenty minutes later.
2. Bring your knees up to your chest and hug them for a few minutes.
3. Say the word "Hiccup" 50 times in a row. (I made this one up. For some reason it only works for me . . .)
4. Place a couple of drops of vinegar in your mouth (Eeeeeeewwwwwww!!!)
5. Try a tablespoon of peanut butter. It's so much better then vinegar!
6. Pull your tongue - hold the end of your tongue with your fingers and tug. (Please do this while you are alone. I tried it during class and it just didn't really work)
7. gargle with very cold water

I hope this kinda sorta helps!!

Over & Out,

Friday, 7 November 2014

Blessed are the Weird People . . . "My Weird"

I'm weird.
You're weird.
We're all weird.

I have this picture on my wall. It's a quote about weird people and how we are actually very valuable to the world. All my life, I have heard my mother tell me that I am a strange child. Now whether she gets this from the fact that I talk to myself, am always making up worse case scenarios, or used to have imaginary pet fairies when I was little, I will never know.
But we are all weird.

I don't think you have to talk to yourself to be weird. I think everyone is weird in their own way. We all have our own little quirks, likes and dislikes, and pet peeves (Like when people sit on my bed
right after I made it).
So this quote is out to the weird people:
"Blessed are the weird people. The poets and misfits, the artists, the writers and music makers, the dreamers and the outsiders. For they force us to see the world differently."
-Stated by a person I don't know.

Just recently, I had been struggling with excepting who I was. What I looked like, my shy personality, my abilities, my talents . . . etc. I wasn't happy with myself and it took a toll on everything I did because all I could think about was what I could do to be better.
But then I realized that I don't need to be better . . .
Because I'm already being my best.

And all my little quirks make up "My Weird" and My Weird is the thing that me who I am.
So don't be afraid of Your Weird.
Everyone has one.

Over & Out,