Wednesday, 29 October 2014

How Does A Bee Sting Work?

So I'm doing this LA project in which we are supposed to choose a topic and write about how it works.
Now because I am terrified of bees I decided that I should face my fear. I guess at the moment I was feeling a strange ounce of bravery that propelled me to scare the tar out of myself.
So here is how a bee sting works.

Ever since I was a little girl I have only ever known one thing when it comes to bees.
I’m not actually sure what scares me when I see a bee. It could be their tiny little fuzzy bodies that brush past you, or their peculiar buzzing sound that hums in your ear. . . or is it the sting?
The honey bee, rarely stings, but when it does, it is normally because it feels threatened or there is a threat to the hive. A honey bee will actively go out and try to sting something if it feels the hive is in danger.
The reason a honey bee dies when it stings you is because the stinger is barbed and when it lodges into your skin, it tears off a part of the bee’s abdomen. It leaves behind not only the stinger, but also part of its abdomen and digestive tract, plus some muscles and nerves.
And as if this isn’t bad enough, when the honey bee stings it sends out a signal called pheromones that alert any other bees in the area to attack as well. Now these pheromones are ON YOUR SKIN and do not wash off quickly. So if their target enters water, the bees will resume their attack as soon as it leaves the water.
And to top it all off, the sting can be painful for many hours and can be itchy and irritated for weeks after.
And that, is how a bee sting works.

Lovely I know.
I apologize if I just scared anyone else as bad as myself.

Over & Out,

Saturday, 25 October 2014

My Volleyball Face

Black & Blue.
That's what I am. Or at least my face.

I've always had this thing with balls that come flying toward your face. It's FREAKY!! It really is! I was always the nightmare in P.E. class because every time a ball came flying toward me I would run away from it screaming "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!!".
The truth is ... I am terrified of balls.

This made my decision to join the volleyball team hard. It wasn't until I was on the court that I realized how hard people can hit balls at you.
However, over the years I have developed a sense of bravery and in a weak sort of way, come over my fear.

Until today.

Today, I had a volleyball tournament with my amazing team (GO COUGARS!) where we came home with a bronze metal at the expense of my face.
I was hit in the face with a ball - hard - three times. Sooooooo, let's start the countdown.

1. In the Lip
I had a ball spiked at my face by one of my own team mates in the face. It hit me in the lip and my lip then started bleeding. So I spent the rest of the game sucking the blood on my lip and trying to pay attention to the other balls flying around me.

2. In the Nose
Maybe it snapped . . . I don't know. This ball hit me in the face just moments after the first one so at this point, my eyes were watering. Not because I was crying but because my face was trying to tell me that it could not go on like this.

3. In the Side of the Head
This ball came flying randomly from across the gym, hit by some random guy who apparently saw a ginger and decided he was going to hit a ball at her. I don't actually know if that was the case but I never did get an apology so he must not have cared.

So I know have a few bruises on my face that make up the thing I call my volleyball face.
Oh yes,.
Because I am that terrifying.

Over & Out,

Sunday, 19 October 2014

The Art of Drawing

Ever since I was a little girl, I've had this fascination with drawing.
How did one use a simple pencil to glide across a piece of paper, capturing moments of beauty, horror, discovery, showing the world a work of art?
SO not the case when it comes to my drawings.
If anything, my drawings are the horror ones. They don't remind you of horrible tragedies or make you stop and reflect on those good and bad moments . . . no.
They look HORIBLE and they bring back all the nightmares you ever had throughout your child hood and scare the living daylights out of you.
In case you need to see . . . these are some of my drawings from the past year.

1. Kim Campbell
Social Studies project. Draw one of the prime ministers of Canada.
 Yes, this is a GIRL
NOT a man.
The picture I copied off of showed that she had winkles in her face so the thing that looks like a mustache is actually supposed to be old lady wrinkles.

2. The Eyeball
I have a friend who is amazing at drawing eyes so one day I decided that I wanted to be just like her and draw an eye. Or in my case, an infected bloodshot eye that doesn't actually look like an eye.
The drawing started out with me sincerely trying to draw an eye and then half way through I suddenly decided that it looked like a bird for some reason so I decided to make it a bird instead.
Behold! The Infected Bloodshot Eye Bird!

3. The . . . . Thing?
To be quite honest, I don't actually know what this was meant to be. This drawing is from my younger years and I think it's a . . . bear?? Maybe a rabbit or a kangaroo . . .
I don't know.

4. The Witch of my Drawings
A drawing from one of my childhood stories about a witch who stole the tail of a raccoon. Fantastic, I know. The sad part is, I was actually eleven when I drew this.

 5. Self Portrait
French project!! Draw yourself!
This drawing must have lowered my self confidence. It looks more like an alien with one eye and a big head. *sigh*

So now that you have seen some of my horrific drawings you should now know that my aunt is an artist and sells her paintings for a living, my younger sisters are now in charge of making the birthday cards because I ruined the last one, and my mom has a real gift with the pencil . . .
And my brother, and my dad, and my cousins, and........
And then there's me.
However, I am the only person out of my family who can sing and play piano and who's been part of a band. The point is, we are all different and special in our own ways.
Some of us, more than others ;)

Over & Out,

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Birthday #1!

Yesterday was my little bro - Jeremy's - first birthday!
We started by taking him swimming because he absolutely loves splashing and playing in the water and then crowded into our house with my grandparents to celebrate over cake and presents.
Jeremy, who could pick up his piece of cake due to the slipperiness of the icing decided to rip off chunks and shove them in his mouth. Which works too.
Love you Jeremy!!

Monday, 13 October 2014

Enter At Your Own Risk . . . . .

Hey guys!!

It's Emmi here! For those of you who are wondering, I switched blogs. I used to have a writing blog that just really wasn't working for me. I wasn't so sure about my tips I was giving as I'm still learning as a writer as well.
So I decided to set up a blog for my life since my life (GENRALLY) happens every day - or at least I think it does - and that way I'll have more ideas and more posts because the other blog didn't really . . . um . . . *cough*

Soooooo welcome to the blog of Emmi Lynn.
My life isn't scary, don't worry, but I have a huge family and will probably have lots of strange stories.
Don't be afraid to post comments and talk with me, give me suggestions, etc . . . .
I love to talk!

Over & Out,